I am one of the 65,844,610 Americans who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.
If you, too, are one of the 65,844,610 Americans who voted for Hillary Clinton instead of Trump, has Trump — over the past nearly four years and during his convention — persuaded you he should continue in the White House for four more years? Are you going to switch your Democratic Party vote to him? Are you going to not vote in November?
I’m hearing a great, yelling “NO!” from 65,844,610 throats. Let’s call us the Democratic Party base, for now. (We don’t know how many independents or registered Republicans will join us in voting against Trump.)
So let’s go to the three states which gave Trump the electoral college and compare his numbers then with the current (bolded) poll numbers:
Wisconsin 2016: Trump 47.9; Hillary 46.9 – difference 1
Wisconsin 8/28/20: Trump 43; Biden 49.3 – difference 6.3
Pennsylvania 2016: Trump 48.8; Hillary 47.6 – difference 1.2
Pennsylvania 8/28/20: Trump 43.7; Biden 49.4 – difference 5.7
Michigan 2016: Trump 47.6; Hillary 47.3 – difference .03
Michigan 8/28/20: Trump 42; Biden 49.3 – difference 7.3