A god problem trinity

It’s gotten so bad in god-land I must lump a bunch of lousy stories into one compact post.

The Father: we have the parents who’ve been keeping their kids out of any kind of schooling whatsoever. Why? Because…The Rapture! Which counts as a god problem, I do believe. Especially for the daughter who had to escape to get an education:

Waiting for the Rapture: Christian homeschoolers in Texas refuse to educate their nine children because they believe the Rapture is at hand.

Source: Christian Homeschoolers Refuse To Educate Children Because Rapture Is Imminent

The Son: OK, so settle down, because now we have Those Little Sisters of the Poor, who think it’s religiously objectionable to sign a paper requesting an exemption from the ACA requirement that they provide insurance that will cover contraception to their (poor) employees:

The Supreme Court has agreed to determine whether a five-blank form (name, org. name, date, sign, address) is a burden on religious freedom. The cases are not about religious freedom, but about imposing religious dogma on others.

Source: Nuns argue to Sup. Ct.: name, date, sign form is a burden on religion

(Do I need to remind you that the Big Five, the right-wing majority of the Supreme Court, are all Catholic? How did we let this happen?)

And finally the (un)Holy Ghost, the raging religious controversy over Starbucks newly designed holiday coffee cup:

Source: The latest War on Christmas: The Battle of Starbucks « Why Evolution Is True

DailyKos has courageously investigated this major story and dug up the man who started the Boycott Starbucks Because Its Coffee Cup Doesn’t Have Snowflakes Or Anything Else Directly Related to Christmas Ergo Starbucks Is Anti-Christian and Boo Hoo Hoo:

Source: Simply Red: The Con-Man Behind the Rightwing’s Starbucks Cup Freak-Out

There. I feel SO much better.


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