Update to one Jewish person weighing in re Trump’s ear and, uh, G-d

Well, one Jewish person voicing in the Daily News today. I eagerly await the people’s response in the days to come. And there will be a response, guarantee it.

Flushing: My message to Donald Trump: The G-d of Israel and the Jewish people saved you so that you can save Israel when you are reelected. G-d’s hand came between your right ear and that bullet! G-d bless America. — Martin Goldman

So that was three days ago. Today, Friday, July 26, the response I guaranteed was printed in the Voice of the People:

To Voicer Martin Goldman: You worship demons and idols, you poor soul. Where was God’s hand to save the poor firefighter Corey Comperatore, married with a family he bent over the protect? Or the six million, for that matter? — Saul Rothenberg


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