Animal news: An alligator named Albert Edward

Really. Boy, here I was doing important writing about something important! and then I ran into the story linked here, from the Times.

A meaningful paragraph in a silly yet ominous story about one crazy person who is not an alligator:

The alligator’s owner had built an addition to his house where Albert lived in an in-ground swimming pool, according to the department. The agency also said that the owner had allowed people, including children, to be in the pool with Albert, who is blind in both eyes and has spinal injuries.

Albert Edward (does the owner call him that when he wants a cuddle?) is 34.

Foremost in my mind today is the word “impropriety” and the phrase “appearance of impropriety.” I’m going to apply these righteously — unlike Georgia’s Judge McGhee — right here, at the owner.

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