Another divorce lawsuit, another mansion, another $10mil demand

Ho hum. To resume our discussion about divorces, divorce lawsuits and a lotta money, here’s today’s entry into the too much money sweepstakes. It’s a pretty good entry, given that it’s a little bit contorted. Not only is there a wife and husband (from China originally), a mansion on Long Island, a child and a divorce, there’s … a brother-in-law, who still lives in China and was open-hearted (or dopey) enough to buy this mansion (in cash) for his brother and sister-in-law.

Well, things have changed: Long Island woman demands $10 million from brother-in-law to leave mansion he purchased: suit – NY Daily News.

See? The lesson here may be: if you live in another country, do not pay cash for a house here, do not buy that house for your brother and his wife, and definitely do not co-sign the property over to your brother’s wife. (What was this guy thinking?)  Although I can’t imagine that too many people would learn much from this, but anyway.

Quite a greedy little mess.

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