Today, the New York Times ran a story about the fierce battle within Rupert Murdoch’s family. Although it’s centered on a trust Murdoch established, over which a trial is about to start in Reno, Nevada, the deep story is how the majority of his adult children are unhappy, to say the least, with the News Corp empire and its political bent (I’m being sort of polite there because trashing Fox is not the point of this short post).
Interesting story, too, including that Bill Barr — remember him? — is one of Rupert’s lawyers.
So it was kind of dishy and fun to read.
Then, as always, I clicked on the readers’ comments. They were even dishier. But the very first comment — that is, the one that had garnered almost 4000 “recommendeds” — was the most terse and the best. Here it is in its glorious entirety, from a guy in California: