Husband Alleged to Have Planted Spyware on Wife’s Phone
Ben Bedell, New York Law Journal
A Brooklyn matrimonial judge sent a sheriff to a husband’s home with an ex parte order to seize his iPhone and computers after lawyers for the wife submitted evidence showing her husband had planted spyware on her iPhone just before filing for divorce.
And today I read that the husband presumably spied on phone conversations between his wife and her lawyer, Raoul Felder. This would seem to violate a number of laws.
UPDATE 10/20/2015. I picked up on the headline below, also from the New York Law Journal, without realizing the story and decision re the Fifth Amendment applies to the husband who (allegedly) planted spyware on his wife’s phone, but probably not allegedly since he’s trying to assert the Fifth Amendment re his digital communications.
So, take a look at the headline, read the story–which is indeed juicy–and let this be a warning to all of us. Or rather to our “digital persons.”
Source: Fifth Amendment Does Not Extend to ‘Digital Person’ | New York Law Journal