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Category Archives: Fascism
Out of the crazy abyss, this (you’ll laugh)…
I pick up only peripherally on the crazy stuff Trump yammers, i.e., reading about it on BlueSky. So I did see something about Trump’s claim that USAid wastes $millions (or maybe $billions) on handing out condoms to Hamas, in Gaza. … Continue reading
Posted in Fascism, Government, Journalism, MAGA, Politics, Propaganda, The Facts of Life, Trumpism
Tagged BlueSky, condoms, fact checking Trump, Gaza Mozambique, Gaza Strip, Hamas, Linda Qiu, New York Times, Trump, USAid
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Turning factoids into facts: Mars, Hitler and history
Let’s All Go to Mars! So many MAGAts, including the MAGAt King, have been heralding our imminent landing and community-building on Mars, presumably via one of Elon Musk’s rockets. Another presumption: it is one which isn’t prone to shattering mid-air … Continue reading
Posted in Culture, Fascism, Government, Human rights, Immigration, The Facts of Life
Tagged "History of the Modern World", Adolph Hitler, Elon Musk, Galactic Cosmic Radiation, George Santayana, German Chancellor, German Communist Party, German elections 1932, German President, history repeating itself, JJ Palmer, Joel Colton, kidney failure, Mars trip, Nazi Party, Paul von Hindenburg, Poland, Reichstag, SpaceX, tesseract, Weimar Republic, World War II
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Paul Krugman’s departure left a huge hole in the NYT
Fortunately for those of us who have a slippery grasp of worldwide economics but know it’s important to understand it, Paul Krugman is now publishing what he wants to say, how he wants to say it and when he wants … Continue reading
Posted in Capitalism, Fascism, Government, Journalism, Judiciary, MAGA, Politics, Propaganda, The Facts of Life, Trumpism
Tagged fentanyl, NAFTA, North American manufacturing, North American trade pack, Paul Krugman, Paul Krugman Substack, SubStack, Trumps tariffs
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