Category Archives: Mishegas

Food notices from around the world (including hot dog treason)

From Harper’s Weekly Review: The Belgian government warned its citizens not to eat their discarded Christmas trees, Poland’s agriculture ministry ordered 82,000 apples for handing out at meetings, the Ukrainian military apprehended a 51-year-old Italian pizza chef who was assisting … Continue reading

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As my brother was moseying around Fairway…

…specifically around the kosher cake department, he saw a seasonal sign Fairway had mounted on the display: Oy To the World!

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What are some exemplary southern public servants up to? Mishegas

From Harper’s Weekly Review: [D]owntown Springfield, Tennessee, lost power when one of its former mayors drove his car into a utility pole while reaching for his breakfast biscuit. [I]n Georgia, a former Bibb County Deputy of the Year was reportedly … Continue reading

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