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Category Archives: Scenes From My Life
Outtakes and Vagabonds: What does it mean to be an American?
It’s a national argument that seems to erupt in periodic waves. One year nobody’s thinking about it, the next year, bam. Flag-waving, flag-burning. The non-historic pledge of allegiance…or not. Birth certificates. Standing with (or without) hand over heart for the … Continue reading
Posted in Culture, Revolution, Scenes From My Life, The Facts of Life
Tagged definition of American, English Midlands, flag-burning, flag-waving, Lancashire, Native Americans, pledge of allegiance
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Scenes from my life: The once, now and future of birthdays
Years ago, a birthday brought a special sense to me, a frisson. The feeling something unspecific but good would happen. Not gifts. Not appearances by some exciting person — although that has happened, but never turned out to be more … Continue reading
Posted in Scenes From My Life, The Facts of Life
Tagged birthdays, Brittany, Broceliande, Chateau de Trecesson, Paimpont