“Disgruntled Republican Sues Republican Party for Political Malpractice”

I’ve gotten quite tired of Eugene Volokh. He’s a smart guy but his opinions are so informed by libertarianism (I won’t go into what I think about that since I’ve discussed it several times), he’s just tiring.

But in today’s Volokh Conspiracy whatever-you-call-this thing (a blog? I’m not sure), he offered this marvel:

Disgruntled Republican Sues Republican Party for Political Malpractice

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 03:44 PM PDT

No, really, see Fitch v. Republican Party (Cal. Super. Ct. filed Aug. 19, 2013), which alleges, among other things, “Professional Negligence” consisting of the breach of the “legal duty of care, to take care of their constituents with job market protection” and the breach of a “duty to make[] sure the Republican corporate members are well taken care of with plentiful job markets, security from criminals, [and] lots of ability to home and nest for their lineages.” Many Republicans would entirely sympathize with the general political malpractice allegations (if not the specific details), though probably without endorsing litigation as a solution.

The post Disgruntled Republican Sues Republican Party for Political Malpractice appeared first on The Volokh Conspiracy.

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