Farting, shocking, snacking, guzzling and heavy metal animals

All from Harper’s Weekly Review, of course:

A couple demanded Singapore Airlines reimburse them after they spent a 13-hour flight next to a snorting, drooling, and farting dog.

“I was shocked but I was also … a little bit impressed,” said the Australian owner of a plant nursery, after discovering a koala named Claude had eaten several thousand seedlings of plants intended to boost koala habitats in New South Wales.

“He took three White Claws, drank, and left very happy,” said a Florida resident whose mini-fridge was broken into by a three-legged bear.

One White Claw for each of his three legs?

Australia declared “war” on feral cats, police shot the tires of a backhoe driven by a suspect who intended to knock down an animal shelter, and PawPatrol snacks were recalled after it was discovered that a URL on their packaging directed consumers to a porn website. A German shepherd snuck out of her owner’s house to attend a Metallica concert.

I hope the shepherd wore ear plugs.

A man was arrested after trying to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a giant hamster wheel.

No? Not a weird animal reference?

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