Greetings, Peter Navarro! The Bureau of Prisons welcomes you

I can’t get over this business of Trump’s “associates” going off to prison. Yesterday, Peter Navarro checked in to the Federal Correctional Institute in Miami.

This is a low-security prison, with a camp addition (really low security but presumably no tents). I mention the camp because Navarro’s lawyer said he’d try to get his client into it.

I took a look at the orientation guidebook (my specialty), and right away I saw a section called Cultural Diversity. Uh-oh, said I, and read this short paragraph:

The correctional environment is a multi-cultural environment that may cause some to experience discomfort. Your attitude about diversity, along with respect for others, is important if you want to live harmoniously in this setting.

Do you think Peter Navarro will experience discomfort among the culturally diverse population of his prison? It’s something to think about as I continue to help orient him to the prison system.

As to the food services, there are a couple of unusual descriptions for cuisine choices I don’t recognize — and I live in a city with restaurants presenting every single international cuisine in the entire universe. But what about these exotics, which I’ve bolded:

The Food Service Department provides meals which are nutritionally adequate, properly prepared, and attractively served. All meals are served cafeteria style which includes features such as heat healthy options and flesh alterative.

Then, while Navarro is eating his flesh alteratives, he is not allowed to whistle or be boisterous. Now, I haven’t paid a lot of attention to Navarro but the few times I’ve seen videos of him on the news, he’s been yelling. So…

Under “Grooming,” I see this, the reason for which I don’t understand:

All FCI inmates will wear a black belt with the exception of the inmates in the ICAN program, and Spanish RDAP who have color designated belts.

High on the list of discipline problems which will incur serious penalties is “Encouraging others to riot.” Seems pertinent.

And the commissary sells croissants for $1.60.

Oh, and the low-lying prison buildings are topped with red roofs:

Could this be a Florida motel?

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