According to, Ben Edelman graduated summa cum laude from Harvard College, got a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University and a law degree from Harvard Law School, and is now an associate professor at Harvard Business School.
And yet he remains an idiot.
Not literally, of course—I’m using “idiot” as shorthand here for someone who is apparently so out of touch with reality or lacking in perspective that he would declare legal war on a local Chinese restaurant that overcharged him by four dollars. (From Harvard Grad Threatens Legal Action Over $4 Charge – Lowering the Bar.)
See, this is what gives lawyers and plaintiffs − and lawyer-plaintiffs and plaintiff-lawyers − an unfortunate reputation as litigious nutcases.
I’d suggest a thorough review of your cause of action and if it’s monetary value is lower than, say, $1000…well, use your judgment. Oh wait. Ben Edelman presumably used his judgment.
Oh dear. What mechanism exists to pre-judge non-judicial judgment? Maybe New York State, if not Massachusetts, could establish a court called the Are You In Your Right Mind??? Court for cases like this.