How crazy is it out there? This crazy

I read the Daily News every day. Apart from the brilliance of its punny headlines, I get Bramhall’s great political cartoons, sane and smart editorials and local news and sports far more complete than the Times.

Most of my experience with how MAGA sorts are “thinking” around the country comes from the Daily News Voice of the People — the News’ page for letters to the editor.

It is the essence of the News. Moreover, since the News requires letter writers to give their real names and locations, I get a rough idea about the opinions of ethnicities and readers around the country and even the world.

The News publishes warring letters, letters from antagonists, who day after day argue   their points of view. If the preponderance of the letters are pro-Trump one day, a day or so later the preponderance swings to anti-Trump.

What I notice in the pro-Trump letters is the absence of fact, evidence and reality. Sometimes I read these letters and have to blink several times to confirm that, yes, this is crazy stuff. And since the (what do I call it? Trump’s wounded ear?), a new skew has been injected into MAGAts letters, the screw-loose notion that the Democrats are to blame for the violence.

A taste of what I’ve read today:

From Henderson, Nevada: Democratic Party leaders…have been consistently encouraging their followers to engage in violence against Trump and his millions of followers…Those who advocate violence instead of peaceful dialogue and democracy should be ashamed of themselves. There will be consequences for this tragedy and the Democrats will learn the hard way in November.

One letter today, signed by a man from Elmhurst (Queens, New York), is a shining example of projection, illogic and violence, with a haze of biblical religiosity. Here it is in full:

Liberals and Democrats have enraged conservatives by the attempt on President Trump’s life. They will face the anger they have awoken. Two things will happen: Trump will most certainly be reelected, and liberals in general and Democrats in particular will have targets on their backs because they drew first blood. They will deserve the beatdown they get.

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