Or maybe it was another very rich, weird-looking heiress who had had so much plastic surgery, I’m not sure she had real cheekbones under the fake ones. I should remember these things, shouldn’t I?
Anyway, her heirs — I didn’t think she had any, because she didn’t have any kids, except for maybe adopting someone and maybe putting herself under the sway of her butler, but maybe that wasn’t Doris Duke, maybe that was another heiress — are “Two 15-year-old heirs to Manhattan socialite Doris Duke’s mammoth fortune” and who “were suspended from a Park City, Utah, educational center last month until they paid $25,627 in tuition and late fees…” And who told me? The Daily News, of course.
And who told the Daily News? “Manhattan Surrogate Court papers…”
And it’s such a muddle! Oh, and by the way, the heirs are twins. But poor dears, “their money is snarled in a bitter battle between their mother and JPMorgan, which administers a Duke Trust…” Oh, and their mother, Daisha, said “The trustees continue to embarrass and disrespect this family, putting us through hell.”
I do believe she used the word “disrespect” entirely incorrectly. She’s been hanging out in the wrong sort of clubs.
So, guys, today’s lesson is: don’t ever want to or try to be a very rich heir.
But, hey, read the piece: Twin heirs to immense fortune of Manhattan socialite Doris Duke see finances snarled by struggle to access cash in JPMorgan trust – NY Daily News.