‘It’s Just Lunch’ Date Leads To ‘It’s Just Herpes’ Lawsuit

When you think your lunch date gave you herpes, you know whose fault that is… the dating service, of course.

Source: ‘It’s Just Lunch’ Date Leads To ‘It’s Just Herpes’ Infection, Lawsuit | Above the Law

I do like the spirit of the indented sub-head provided by Above the Law. I remember that Sidebar once mentioned another lawsuit against It’s Just Lunch — but it didn’t concern herpes. And, yes, she’s also suing the “date,” but, as Above the Law notes, she’s going for the deep pockets. (There’s a sad little description in the story about how, after several dates and mutual confirmations that neither had a sexually transmitted disease, the plaintiff “agreed to have sex” with the guy. I do understand: civil complaints are probably not the venue for romantic expressions but still, I mean…)

Click on the link to see a really funny–I mean, darkly funny–caption on the full color photo.

P.S. When I try to pick tags for these stories, I sometimes have problems. Sure, this is a personal injury lawsuit, isn’t it? But is it also breach of contract? I don’t know, so I clicked both.

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