We all should take note of this interesting offer on the first Club Fed website page:
Want to create change? Do it from the inside out. Work at the Federal Bureau of Prisons to make a real difference while building a rewarding career. For more information please call our BOP Career Connection Hotline 1-866-307-1045 or email the National Recruitment Team.
“Come work on the inside,” is really clever, don’t you think? I wonder if they mean me, and what I’m doing. Maybe not.
So, let’s go into another Club Fed institution and see what they’re offering.
There’s a long, long list, alphabetized. I decided to cover the last one now:
This is Club Fed low security Yazoo City, in Mississippi. I like the florals. So let’s see what Yazoo will offer Fed Felon Bannon and the others who, I’ve learned, are imminently being sent off to incarceration after taking pleas (or jury decisions) in their January 6 trials.
The Admissions and Orientation booklet preface says this:
We want your time spent here at FCC Yazoo City to be productive. This is a unique facility due to its design, mission, and programs. You have the opportunity to serve your sentence in a Complex consisting of a Medium, Low, and Minimum Security facility with numerous programs and services available to all inmates.
Somewhat hazy. Is the facility “unique” because it offers an incoming inmate a choice among medium, low and minimum security?
“So, sir, which facility do you choose for your initial experience at Yazoo City?” Nah. I don’t see it. However, let’s go on to the “numerous programs and services available.”
You’re permitted visitors on a controlled basis, a certain set number of visits per month. But don’t get too excited sexually, because…
Your visitors will be required and expected to wear clothing which is
within the bounds of good taste when visiting you at this facility. The Duty Officer will be consulted prior to denying a visitor’s entry into the institution because of his/her attire. Short shorts, halter tops, and other clothing of a suggestive or revealing nature will not be permitted in the visiting room (sleeveless blouses, shorts/skirts not meeting the knee, absence of undergarments, jeans with holes, see-through clothing, etc.). Shirts with profanity, racially motivated slogans or other items of this nature will not be worn in to the institution. Footwear
must be worn by all visitors. Thong sandals and flip flops are not permitted. All sandals must be secured with ankle straps.
Yazoo City provides health services (including dental) that are free and more comprehensive than mine.
Moreover, Club Fed provides three meals a day and the Food Service section will employ and train you.
You will be provided three (3) nutritionally balanced meals per day. Self-service
meal operations include a salad bar and a beverage bar in addition to a hot bar, which contains an assortment of hot beans, rice, soup, pasta, and vegetables. Special religious meals may be received through the Religious Diet Program. Removal of food from the dining room is not permitted.
Also not permitted is reserving a table in the dining room.
That’s enough for today, kids. Tomorrow we’ll see what recreation and sports programs Yazoo City Club Fed provides.