All the foofaraw over that condo and Joan Rivers and that blonde babe who called Rivers names? Well, it’s over. As I figured it would be.
The small Daily News piece (and why do the media print only the beginning of things in
LARGE TYPE, over several pages. With full-color pics. And print the end result in
small type, without pictures.
Anyway, here’s the story, via Barbara Ross.
Joan Rivers: Ha ha, I win!
Joan Rivers has prevailed in her condo board catfight against a bottle-blond bombshell who had been living in the ground-floor unit of her posh Upper East Side building.
Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Anil Singh ruled Friday that the comedienne’s E. 62nd St. condo board can block the flamboyant tenants, Elizabeth Hazan, and the corporate owners from entering or using the $2 million unit.
Singh said before they can come back, Hazan, the 41-year-old former owner of the unit, must pay $200,000 in overdue common charges, and the new owners who took title in July must pay the monthly charges they incurred since then.
Rivers, 80, the board president who has been locked in court battles with Hazan for five years said, “It took five years but I’m so happy.”
By the way, co-op laws are almost identical.