Source, Lowering the Bar: Dressing Like a Prisoner Could Get You Out of Jury Duty, One Way or Another
Which begins (and look at this really nice full-color photo of the not-to-be-a-juror in question!):
June 12, 2015
Dressing Like a Prisoner Could Get You Out of Jury Duty, One Way or Another
As a judge in Vermont warned this potential (but presumably unwilling) juror, doing this could get you a little jail time for contempt of court. That would most likely get you out of jury duty, though, at least for a couple of days.
Having said that, the strategy actually worked in this case. According to the report, after the man arrived, “[d]eputies directed him to an empty courtroom to meet with the judge….” He was probably wishing he’d brought an extra pair of striped pants at that point, but after giving him the warning, the judge let him leave.
But, do not do this yourself–at least not until you read the rest of the story at the link.