My brother is on top of the whole picture. That is, he reads the Times.
He sent me this email. The first paragraph is from a Times article on the after-effects of COVID. The second paragraph is my brother’s cheerful interpretation of the Times paragraph as it applies to Trump.
From the NYT: After they were discharged, only 32 percent of the patients with altered mental function were able to handle routine daily activities like cooking and paying bills, said Dr. Igor Koralnik, the senior author of the study and chief of neuro-infectious disease and global neurology at Northwestern Medicine. In contrast, 89 percent of patients without altered mental function were able to manage such activities without assistance.
From my brother: The good news for our country is that even if Trump is affected in this manner, since he probably doesn’t do his own cooking, and we know he doesn’t pay any bills, we have less to worry about.