“Man sues ex-fiancée for $73K in cash, gold jewelry”

The engagement presents turned into parting gifts.

Source, Daily News: Man sues ex-fiancée for $73K in cash, gold jewelry

Oh, my. Such a disappointing outcome this must have been–and apparently not just for the happy fiancé but for his family, too.

I’d guess it’s part of Chinese culture that when a young man gets engaged, his family provides gifts to his fiancée. That’s what happened here and if you think about it, it’s a touching story: he falls for a girl, she says yes, he’s delighted and starts giving her valuable presents, his family must have been delighted and gave her valuable presents, and then…

She’s a gone, girl. Except, of course, as the named defendant in the lawsuit against her for keeping all the loot.

I’m wondering if their process server had trouble finding her.

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