What’s with these people? Do the citizens of these backward-facing states understand that it is their taxes which will pay for this pointless lawsuit?
Here’s the entire Reuters item as published in the NYT:
The state attorney general, Chris Koster, filed a lawsuit on Thursday against a county official who had started granting marriage licenses to same-sex couples in violation of the state’s ban on same-sex marriage. Sharon Carpenter, the St. Louis County recorder of deeds, was violating the law by issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, the suit alleges. Her actions are part of a broad challenge to state bans on same-sex marriage sweeping the United States. “While I personally support the goal of marriage equality, my duty as attorney general is to defend the laws of the state of Missouri,” Mr. Koster said in a statement. He said he believed state courts would provide rulings within the next 12 to 18 months on challenges to the state’s same-sex marriage ban.