More bad news for Stuyvesant Town tenants

This is such a mess, as per the Daily News’s Erin Durkin:

Many Stuyvesant Town tenants are getting hit with big rent increases in the middle of their leases, the Daily News has learned.

Shell-shocked tenants will have to pay as much as $1,100 more perm month — with as little as two weeks notice.

Now why do I think this will be another Stuyvesant Town lawsuit, on top of:

The tenants initially scored a legal coup in 2009 when the state’s highest court upheld a tenants lawsuit charging that thousands of apartments had been illegally removed from rent stabilization protections. A temporary agreement at the time forced then-owner Tishman Speyer to slash rents.

Personally, I wouldn’t want to enrage a huge number of lawsuit-experienced rent stabilized tenants, one of whom is City Councilman Daniel Garodnick — but hey, I’m not a wealthy bond holder.


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