Of course courtesy the witty writers at DailyKos Elections:
• AZ-08: In what appears to be the week’s [ * checks notes * ] ninth-worst scandal, former state Sen. Steve Montengro has finally admitted that the text messages he exchanged with a female staffer who’d sent him a topless photo were in fact genuine, after initially claiming the entire story was “a despicable example of … tabloid trash.” Of course, Montenegro, who is married and a church minister, still maintains he “did not have any inappropriate relationships with this woman.” Instead, he blamed one of his rivals, former state Sen. Debbie Lesko, for leaking the texts to the press, though how Lesko might have obtained them is left unsaid. (The staffer has blamed an ex-boyfriend for stealing the messages.)
Montenegro’s lucky that the GOP primary for this special election is on Tuesday, and that most votes have already been cast, because some top Republicans, like former Gov. Jan Brewer, are now calling on him to drop out, and his own top backers have gone dark (including former Rep. Trent Franks, the guy whose own sex scandal created this vacancy in the first place). Brewer isn’t exactly neutral in this race, though, since she’s backing Lesko—and Lesko, believe it or not, has her own problems.
According to the Arizona Republic, former state Rep. Phil Lovas has accused Lesko of improperly funneling $50,000 from her state Senate campaign account to a supportive super PAC—which is supposed to operate independently of her congressional campaign. Lesko responded by threatening to sue Lovas. Someone has to win this primary, right?
*Naughty bits — from Monty Python.