My kind of lawsuit:sex, cold white mud, and UWS real estate

Here’s the actual link from the Daily News:

Italian theater director Antonio Calenda sues beautiful young dancer Natasha Diamond-Walker after she dumped him, claiming she hoodwinked him into buying her a luxury condo – NY Daily News.

I just love this lawsuit! First of all, the old coot who is suing the young glam babe so overpaid for that apartment. I mean, 795 square feet on the Upper West Side for almost one thou a square foot? Or am I thinking too much about Manhattan real estate?

So there’s this aging gentleman, at age 73 (and an Italian male, to boot), who buys the apartment for a 27-year-old dancer … and is shocked when she breaks up with him shortly thereafter.

Now he’s suing to get his money back AND a million bucks in punitive damages. “She manipulated our client and took advantage of him to finance her purchase of a luxury Manhattan apartment, ” said [the guy’s] lawyer. Wouldn’t you think he’d be humiliated to have his lawyer make such a statement? Wouldn’t you think he’d prefer to settle this absent the Daily News headlines?

Of course, here’s what the dancer wrote about her experience working with the old dude in Italy: “I have tasted the most fragrant blood oranges, eaten the freshest fruits of the sea. Yet still, at night, I’m painted with cold white mud, naked in front of the theater for work.”

There’s a lot to be said for, about and against both parties in this lawsuit. Salute, and let’s lift a glass of prosecco as a toast to both of ’em.

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