My lawyer called me! Hurrah

Just got a call from my foot lawyer. I was amused: he called to say that my letter to William Schwitzer—the name partner in the law firm I retained to get me through a lawsuit against a neighbor whose sidewalk gap caused a broken metatarsal (mine), in January 2008—got him yelled at!

That was the letter, posted here a few days ago, making clear that his advertisement stating that his law firm always keeps in regular touch with clients to report on the status of their cases was, well, not entirely accurate. I, his client, had tried numerous times to get one of the lawyers to call me back to report on the status on my case. Since I never heard from anybody, I had to go to court myself to find out what was going on.

Apparently William Schwitzer, Esq. was mad. Probably at me, but he had enough seykyl to take it out on his colleague, not his client.

So, OK. What have we learned from this? Big lesson: always write letters to the head of whatever when you have a complaint. The name partner of a law firm, the CEO of a major corporation. Always go to the Top.

The Top will almost never call you back. The Top, however, will tell the Under-the-Top to take care of it.

And he did. So, three and a half years after I suffered a broken metatarsal, I have been informed that all the discovery and exchanges have been completed, i.e., the stalling is over, and both sides should be talking seriously about settling this case.

Marc (the embarrassed lawyer) said that he didn’t want to promise anything but maybe “before the holidays” he should be calling me with good news.

Carefully, I did not ask him which holidays, in which year. This, too, is seykyl.



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