Mysteries of Life: ’90s pop music and the hair

Boy, this music is really…I don’t like it. Rap has snuck in, genuine singable tunes have been banished.

But the hair! It’s so different from previous decade’s hairs. The boys’ hairs are curated, I swear. One duo I’d never heard of had sort of pixie cuts, and one big group had normal haircuts. Meaning, I could see their faces. Wow.

Oh, no, what is this noisy business behind me? It’s George Michael? I love George Michael but I do not love the song. Yet his hair is great, voluminous and high but under control. Such a sexy guy he was.

The flowing locks of yesteryear are now solely on the women, and there are a lot more of ’em. Equality has reached ’90s rock stars: the women’s songs are as tuneless as the men’s.

I don’t know how I’ll be able to tolerate going on to the next Music Choice channel, called Y2K. After that, what’s left is a range of country music and while I do love country music, I don’t think I’ll be able to cope with the hair of country years past.

Stay tuned. Or, actually, don’t.

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