Mysteries of Life: Great hits of the 1960s. The hair?

Yesterday, I got tired of ’70s rock ‘n’ roll on Music Choice channel 1929, so I scooted over to channel 1930, “golden oldies,” all pre-1970, and you know what I found? The hair is totally different!

Yes, the male group hair uniform was pretty short. A lot of groups had short hair with semi-pompadours. They also wore strict clothes, no jeans. Even the hipper-looking groups’ hairs never went below their jaw lines. There was a kind of sheen to the heads which suggests to me applications of Brylcreem.

This kept me amused for a couple of hours of turning around to see (a) who the hell was the group singing this familiar song? and (b) what was their hair like?

Today I think I’ll check out the hair in the 1980s.

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