Negotiating a settlement? “Ex-Mascot wants to talk”

I’m taking a short break from the two Sunday activities that always occupy my attention at this time of year: reading the New York Times and watching football.

Which neatly draws together the following small item buried in the football section of the NYT. It’s so blithely nutty I’d expect it to be either satire or a post from Kevin Underhill’s Lowering the [Cross]Bar:

Ex-Mascot Wants To Talk. Ragnar, the mascot who was given a Viking funeral after asking for $20,000 per game, wants to return to the negotiating table.

Joe Juranitch, the Minnesota Vikings’ mascot Ragnar for the last 21 years, said his proposal of a 10-year contract and $20,000 per game was just a starting point.

Juranitch said the Vikings, who announced five days ago that they were unable to reach agreement on a new contract for this season, asked him to present them with a proposal. He said that her asked for too big a raise from the $1,500 per game he made last year.

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