Paths crossed: Bob Fass

Memories can be frustratingly holey. I remember meeting Bob Fass back in the ’60s, and know precisely where I met him and who was there.

But I have no memory of what we all talked about, or indeed whether anything we talked about was significant, historically or a-historically. So I’m now going to boo-hiss my memory bank.

Mostly, though, I remember his first wife, Bridget, who was sparky and self-possessed. I really really liked her. Those were the days when I didn’t know what I was going to be when I grew up (and I was grown up), and did not have any confidence in myself. Naturally, I was both drawn to and slightly awed by women who seemed complete and purposeful.

I liked Bob, too, although I’d never heard his radio broadcasts. Now, reading this obit, I regret I hadn’t. They sound eccentric, eclectic, cool and altogether wonderful. A prototype for the far less absorbing podcasts of today.

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