Remember when I found myself talking to god?

If not, here’s my report on that dubious topic.

Which I mention because today I learned that Matt Gaetz, the loud and frequently embarrassing GOP congressman from Florida, has reported he was in contact with someone with the virus and will be self-exiling himself. No, I mean, self-quarantining himself. Oh, one of the two.

Anyway, Gaetz mentioned it shortly after he got off a plane ride:

The president backed a payroll tax cut and aid for hourly wage earners affected by the outbreak. He spoke after a trip where he spent time with two congressmen who were exposed to a person infected with the virus.

Yep, one of those congressmen was Matt Gaetz and the plane was Air Force One.

Gotta tell you, if god is just teasing me here, I am going to be so pissed off.

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