Matthew Luke, formerly the network’s director of media and archive management, filed a lawsuit in New York Supreme Court claiming wrongful termination.
Source: Sexism and Anti-Semitism Charged in Al Jazeera America Lawsuit –
A few introductory paragraphs:
Matthew Luke, formerly the network’s director of media and archive management, filed a lawsuit in New York Supreme Court claiming wrongful termination. Among other allegations, Mr. Luke said he was fired after he complained to the company’s human resources department about his boss, Osman Mahmud, who, Mr. Luke said, told him to exclude female employees from meetings and not involve them in projects that they had previously worked on.
In the suit, Mr. Luke asserted that Mr. Mahmud mistreated female employees and exhibited anti-Semitic behavior, including expressing a desire to replace an Israeli cameraman with a Palestinian.
I suppose I should pretend I’m surprised. OK, I’ll pretend. I AM SO SHOCKED AND STUNNED AND DISAPPOINTED!
That’s it for my pretend shock. But hey in truth I had no major expectations from a news network founded by Muslims. Yeah, I know they said it’d be without prejudice, blah blah, and would challenge the major American news networks with scintillating reportage. But the thing is, Muslims, like all fundamentalists, are anti a few fairly unpleasant things, at least to an American like me.
First, they are constitutionally unable to see women as equals. See above quote. Yes, it’s the global war against women problem! (Same is true for all fundamentalist branches of religions.) And then, like the Murdoch media group, they are constitutionally prejudiced against other political views and don’t like people who don’t believe what they believe.
I don’t have to mention what Murdoch Media are against. Indeed, given their weird predilection for bleached blond perky women news readers and “pundits” of noticeably eh intelligence, whose faces are so uniformly plastered with make-up they all look like store mannequins, I could also claim that the Murdoch folk are anti-women, are part of the global war against women.
So here comes Al Jazeera and a lawsuit and since I also read the business section of the Times, I’ve picked up info that the network is collapsing.
As I said, I’m shocked. (I’ve got to come up with another word for “shocked,” in the sarcastic sense. Maybe I can start borrowing the British “gobsmacked” and skew it toward satire.)