Tag Archives: afflatus
Trump has lost his afflatus.
Yucky-sounding word, isn’t it? Afflatus. Sounds like something you wouldn’t want to lose in a criminal courtroom. Sounds so Trumpy. It’s a rare enough word so that it isn’t in my Compact Oxford English Dictionary (“compact” is the word I … Continue reading
Posted in Law, suits and order, Propaganda, The Facts of Life, Trumpism
Tagged "The Courage To Be", afflatus, Compact Oxford English Dictionary, immigrants, Jonathan Alter, Merriam-Webster, Paul Tillich, Trump in court
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Politics and charismeh
No, that’s not a typo. I voted in our primary, of course, and a few thoughts emerged. First, I voted in the afternoon and was disappointed there was no cupcake sale by the school kids stationed in the hallway. Sigh. … Continue reading
Posted in Politics, The Facts of Life, The god problem, voting and voting rights
Tagged afflatus, charisma, equal rights, How I Learned the Facts of Life, how to read newspapers, human rights, I just voted, inspiration, Maureen Dowd, New York State politics, newspaper snark, political ideals, politicians, worship
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