Tag Archives: demagoguery
If demagogues are not “populists,” what should we call them?
No “if” about it. Demagogues work at appealing not to the “silent” majority, but to the noisy minority. I started thinking about this while reading a wise opinion piece in today’s Times, “From the ‘Silent Majority’ to the Unvaxxed Minority,” … Continue reading
Have you made up your mind about the 2020 presidential campaign?
I realize a lot of people, i.e., voters, are jumping on a candidate now. Each Democratic presidential candidate seems to be developing a cheering squad; each Democratic candidate also seems to be developing critics. This is something I don’t quite … Continue reading
I got issues: Why did people vote for Trump? Terror management
Reason Three Why Someone Might Have Voted for Trump: Terror Management Theory This one seems logical but doesn’t particularly excite me. Nor does it explain why some people can be driven to terror by a demagogic fool, a cartoon character. … Continue reading