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Tag Archives: ferrets
Animal news: if you could clone one animal, which would it be?
My choice for the last animal: a ferret. Yet… The cloned ferret has a name. Elizabeth Ann. But what you really want to know is, why do I have a dim impression of ferrets? Because I’ve been watching “The Yorkshire … Continue reading
Posted in Animal news, The Facts of Life
Tagged animal castration, cloning animals, Ellen Kaye, endangered animals, ferrets, The Yorkshire Vet
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How does Big Pharma develop vaccines?
Many years ago, I invested a little bit of money in an innovative company, Shaman Pharmaceuticals. I’ll let you do the Googling because I still find it painful Shaman had to close down and abandon its way of discovering new … Continue reading
Posted in COVID-19, Joe Biden and his people, The Facts of Life
Tagged acyclovir, amniotic fluid, bear bile, Big Pharma, Bronx Zoo, convaslescent plasma, COVID-19 vaccine, darunavir, dental-pulp stem cells, favipiravir, ferrets, goat horn, Harper's Findings, horseshoe bats, hydrogen peroxide, intestinal flora, msntrual-blood stem cells, nitric oxide, pangolins, probiotics, SARS-CoV-2, Shaman Pharmaceuticals, thalidomide, umbilical stem cells, Viagra, vitamin C, Walloon housecat, Wharton's jelly
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