Tag Archives: global war against women
How not to learn the facts of life: Trump
From Harper’s Weekly Report: Trump said the CIA’s report that concluded Saudi Arabia’s crown prince ordered the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi was based on “feelings,” and insisted the US relationship with Saudi Arabia was too important to jeopardize. In a … Continue reading
War against women: Trump, the NBA, social media, Iran and China
Great summary of Trump versus women’s lot , by Nicholas Kristof: Trump Plays the Man’s Card – The New York Times Now he’s attacking Clinton and misses the point about a woman’s card: It’s less than worthless. ♦ Source: NBA … Continue reading
“Now it’s the Jews who ban women from driving”
Source: Now it’s the Jews who ban women from driving « Why Evolution Is True Oy vey. And haven’t I been warning everybody that religious fundamentalism is bad for women? Yes, I have. Many, many times. (I’m feeling lazy today … Continue reading