Tag Archives: how lawyers drive clients crazy
Depositions: should you go to defendant’s deposition?
Two search terms today, so two opportunities for me to go nuts. (Well, three, really…but you know what I’m talking about so I won’t specify.) (1) my lawyer filed a lawsuit but did not let me attend defendant’s deposition (2) … Continue reading
Problems with lawyers: Stuart Schlesinger
Source: A Manhattan Lawyer’s Slip and Fall – The New York Times Stuart A. Schlesinger, a former personal injury lawyer, won millions for his clients. Then he kept the money. An excerpt from Benjamin Weiser’s illuminating article: When his clients … Continue reading
Two more bad lawyers, two more disbarrments
Okay, let’s get control of ourselves. There is not a recent epidemic of thieving lawyers. This is not a Dickens novel. Maybe I’ve just been reading the wrong, i.e., right news–The New York Law Journal. Before I read their abstracts, … Continue reading