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Tag Archives: lawsuits against municipal agencies
“Plaintiffs suing Suffolk may proceed anonymously”
Source: Plaintiffs Suing Suffolk May Proceed Anonymously | New York Law Journal This is a more volatile and important civil rights case than the headline suggests. The beginning paragraphs will tell you why: Plaintiffs alleging that Suffolk County police officers … Continue reading
Posted in Law, suits and order
Tagged civil rights lawsuits, class action lawsuits, Law and government agencies, law and the courts, lawsuits against municipal agencies, role of judges, situations demanding lawsuits
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Who sues? Some violent lawsuits
Some true stories about violence wrongfully committed on innocent people by government agencies sworn to keep us safe and at peace. Although some of these incidents could be called accidental, they’re still wrong. A lawsuit is a way of getting some justice and establishing a baseline for such dangerous work vis-a-vis average citizens. Continue reading
Posted in The Facts of Life
Tagged C.I.'s, confidential informants, driving while black (DWB), Drug Enforcement Agency, Law and government agencies, lawsuits against municipal agencies, lawsuits against police, municipal agencies, narcs, police misconduct, police wrongdoing, violence against African-Americans, War on Drugs, War on Terror
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