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Tag Archives: Mike Pence
Are Merrick Garland and Alvin Bragg “afraid” to prosecute Trump?
No. Yet all sorts of people who should know better are continuing the accusations of prosecutorial fear, along with warnings that if they fail to prosecute Trump, Garland and Bragg, et al., are letting our democracy die. I just saw … Continue reading
Posted in Law, suits and order, Lawyers, Politics, Propaganda, The Facts of Life, Trumpism
Tagged Alvin Bragg, Merrick Garland, Mike Pence, Peter Neufeld, Ron Kuby, Trump, Twitter
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Where are they now?
From Harper’s Weekly Review: [F]riends of Mike and Karen Pence believe that the couple, who after leaving the official vice-presidential residence no longer have a permanent address, is couch surfing with various Indiana officials.
Posted in Politics, The Facts of Life, Trumpism
Tagged Harper's, Karen Pence, Mike Pence
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An open letter from physicians to Mike Pence and Trump
My brother-in-law, Rob Kresch, MD, posted this on Facebook: Open letter to Mr. VP Mike Pence and President Donald J. Trump, from Nik Nikam, MD, MHA., DTM and the majority of physicians, dentists, and medical professionals in this group: Dear … Continue reading
Posted in Politics, The Facts of Life, Trumpism
Tagged " coronavirus, Donald Trump, medical professionals, Mike Pence
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