Tag Archives: Monty Python
Are you invested in lies and beliefs?
I’m not. So why are so many pundits expressing dismay that we as a country, we American people, are in wretched psychological and intellectual shape? I’m not. And as far as I can make out, the great majority of us … Continue reading
Posted in Fascism, The Facts of Life
Tagged Bernie Madoff, cults, Jeffrey Toobin, Life of Brian, Mike Rothschild, Monty Python, National Enquirer, NXIVM, OJ Simpson trial, Public Religion Research Institute, QAnon, The New Yorker, Zoe Heller
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Animal news! The ocean sunfish, scaring people on Buzzards Bay
Re Buzzards Bay: when we were kids, our large family — aunts, uncles, cousins, sibs — established our summer residence in one of a series of rental houses near Buzzards Bay. We never saw a buzzard. Neither did the settlers … Continue reading
Posted in Animal news, The Facts of Life
Tagged alpacas, Buzzards Bay, Chris Whitton, Monty Python, Neat Lady Fishing Company, New York Times, sunfish, The Yorkshire Vet, Wareham Massachusetts
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