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Tag Archives: Persuasion
Do you recognize this man?
“Hear the truth, therefore, now, while you are unprejudiced. [He] is a man without heart or conscience; a designing, wary, cold-blooded being, who thinks only of himself; who, for his own interest or ease, would be guilty of any cruelty, … Continue reading
Posted in Corruption, Culture, The Facts of Life
Tagged Jane Austen, Persuasion, Trump
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The glory of empire…built by slaves, reparations and lut
Those of us who read Jane Austen are not startled to face facts about the British Empire’s centuries-old role in slavery. Although Austen’s references to slavery are muted, in both Mansfield Park (1814) and her last novel, Persuasion (1818), the … Continue reading
Posted in Racism, The Facts of Life, The War On Workers
Tagged "Country Houses and the British Empire", "Home Truth", Amazing Grace, Britain's anti-slavery laws, British East India Company, British slavery, British West Indies, Clemson University, East India Company, Jane Austen, Mansfield Park, Marquess of Lothian, National Trust Properties, Penrhyn Castle, Persuasion, Richard Pennant, Robert Clive, Sam Knight, Slavery Abolition Act, slavery reparations, The Legacies of Slavery database, The National Trust, The New Yorker, the old testament, the Ten Commandments, Tibet
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Re-visiting Jane Austen
How do you perceive Jane Austen’s novels? I have something to say on this topic, and am prompted to say it by this New York Times story about the new approach that’s being taken within the Jane Austen museum in … Continue reading
Posted in political campaigns, Racism, The Facts of Life
Tagged abolitionism in England, Antigua, Caribbean slave plantations, East India Company, Jane Austen, Mansfield Park, Persuasion, slave plantations, slavery in England, slavery in Mansfield Park, West Indies
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