Tag Archives: Peter Navarro
Matt Gaetz needs to read this BoP advisory
What? Why? OK, I’ll explain. Today, TAFKAT informed me that Matt Gaetz has tried to visit Peter Navarro, currently incarcerated, but the Bureau of Prisons somehow got in his way. He’s frustrated! Thus, as logical consequence, he and other congressional … Continue reading
Greetings, Peter Navarro! The Bureau of Prisons welcomes you
I can’t get over this business of Trump’s “associates” going off to prison. Yesterday, Peter Navarro checked in to the Federal Correctional Institute in Miami. This is a low-security prison, with a camp addition (really low security but presumably no … Continue reading
Someone should produce this Trump bumper sticker…
A high official in the Canadian government just tweeted a response to something Peter Navarro said about Canada. He called Navarro’s remarks “cretinous and insulting.” What do you think? Isn’t CRETINOUS AND INSULTING the perfect crisp description of Trump and … Continue reading