Tag Archives: retainer agreements
“Simplify Your Retainer Agreement”
The “your” in the above title means “you lawyer out there who is reading this.” Still, it’s a direct and clear article from Sam Glover at the Lawyerist blog. It may be addressed to lawyers but it offers a rational … Continue reading
Retainers and legal fees: The crazy lady rejection letter
Or have we eaten on the insane root That takes the reason prisoner? – William Shakespeare, Macbeth Look what I just found! In a file labeled “Crazy lady letter,”here’s the we’re-not-taking-your-case template I mentioned in previous pieces about retainers. This … Continue reading
Retainers and legal fees: A pay-as-you go retainer agreement
Who cannot give good counsel? ‘Tis cheap, it costs them nothing. — Robert Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy Yes, but no. Back in 2007, when I retained Educated Edmund and Lefty LeDoux’s law firm to sue the Skush-O’Briens, they didn’t send … Continue reading