Tag Archives: Ron Chernow
What some call critical race theory, I call history
I learned about slavery years before I learned about Hitler, concentration camps and genocide. My mother taught me about slavery when I was four or five. As I grew up and absorbed more of life’s complexities, that awful reality grew … Continue reading
On reparations
I’m still stewing over how Britain dealt with its anti-slavery act, and reparations: they paid reparations to its slaveowners. Not to the nearly 1 million people the act freed. No, to the mostly wealthy people — aristocrats and church people … Continue reading
“…organized depravity”
“I doubt whether from the beginning of the world until now, a community, nominally civilized, has been so fully under the domination of systematic and organized depravity…the most atrocious organization that the civilized part of the world has ever known.” … Continue reading