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Tag Archives: Sally Yates
Aristides de Sousa Mendes, a hero for our time
Remember when Sally Yates was fired for defying a president and news media figures immediately invoked Richard Nixon’s “Saturday night massacre?” I, too, thought of Nixon, for a moment. But then it was another man, a radiant embodiment of resistance … Continue reading
Posted in Politics, The Facts of Life
Tagged Aristides de Sousa Mendes, Austrian Hapsburg family, Bordeaux France in 1940, Border Control, Chaim Kruger, Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, John Kelly, Maurice Papon, Portugal Salazar government, Portuguese consulate in Bordeaux, Robert Montgomery, Salazar's Circular 14, Sally Yates, Saturday night massacre, Trump Executive Orders, Vichy government, Yad Vashem Righteous
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If we are a nation of law, what do we do about a bad law?
I’m working on an article about a greatly heroic man whose act in saving thousands of desperate refugees and immigrants centered on defiance of one of his country’s laws. Actually not a law, but an executive order. I think of … Continue reading
Posted in Law, suits and order, Politics, The Facts of Life
Tagged ACLU, CBP, Customs and Border Protection, DACA, Department of Homeland Security, deportations, DHS, executive orders, ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, John Kelly, Sally Yates, Supreme Court of the United States, undocumented immigrants
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