Tag Archives: Stalin
If you have fond thoughts about Lenin and the Revolution…stop. it. right. now
Or else. (That’s an empty threat, in case you shivered in fear when reading it.) Because I went to an excellent high school, a large public high school with terrific (union) teachers, my classmates and I were assigned an interesting … Continue reading
Posted in Capitalism, Corruption, Journalism, Politics, Propaganda, Revolution, The Facts of Life
Tagged Angela Balabanova, Angelica Balavanova, Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx, Lenin, Leonid Krasin, Nazis, Russian Revolution, Stalin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, USSR, Victor Sebestyen
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I’ve been re-reading Russian lit and have been stunned by one universal theme
I didn’t say to myself one day, “I’m going to read my collection of Russian lit.” There was no such plan. Simply, I decided it was time to re-read Anna Karenina. I was uneasy about doing it, uneasy about the … Continue reading
Posted in The Facts of Life
Tagged Anna Karenina, Bolshevism, Chechov, emphysema, Eugene Onegin, Henri Troyat, Jane Eyre, Lenin, Pushkin, Russian literature, Stalin, Tolstoy, Trotsky, Vladimir Nabokov, War and Peace, Wuthering Heights
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What “strongmen” can’t do
Tolerate dissent. Because of which they won’t hold open elections. (As my father pointed out years ago, if a political leader is as popular as he claims, he can prove it by having an open election — not one rigged … Continue reading
Posted in Fascism, Government, Human rights, Propaganda, Racism, Revolution, The Facts of Life, War, War on Ukraine
Tagged "Blood and Ruins, "Bloodlands", Alexei Navalny, Lenin, Nicholas Kristof, Putin, Richard Overy, Russia, Stalin, strongmen, Tim Snyder, Trotsky, USSR, World War II
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