Tag Archives: TCM
I’m going window-shopping! Why should you care?
Because I hope to reduce what seems to be an ontological anxiety (and a spurt of paranoia) among too many people about the effects of the internet and its potential to brainwash us into believing what we don’t believe. That … Continue reading
Mysteries of Life: The Daily News looks into the future and finds
Yes, I didn’t finish the title. Because today the Daily News’ letters to the editor section (called Voice of the People) had a letter criticizing the news for…not finishing news articles. The writer pointed out one article ended “[Governor Kathy] … Continue reading
A weird little movie with some sweeping facts
Netflix has been letting me down lately. I’m tired of the stuff it’s pushing at me. Currently, my “Naomi Is Watching” string is very long. Most of the things I’ve started, I’ve exited after about ten minutes. I can’t figure … Continue reading