Tag Archives: The Federalist Papers
Meet my new BFF Alex, as he takes on SCOTUS
It was a coincidence. Really. As certain members of the current Supreme Court of the United States dripped bizarre and inconceivable fantasies into our ears, I was reading Alexander Hamilton’s brilliant soliliquies on the spanking new Constitution. Toward the end … Continue reading
What is justice?
Justice is the end of government. It is the end of civil society. It ever has been and ever will be pursued until it be obtained, or until liberty be lost in the pursuit. –James Madison, in his Federalist Paper … Continue reading
Yo, SCOTUS “originalists!” I’ve got a FF* message for you
In pursuing this inquiry [urging ratification of the new Constitution], we must bear in mind that we are not to confine our view to the present period, but to look forward to remote futurity. Constitutions of civil government are not … Continue reading