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Tag Archives: Tsar Nicholas II
Outtakes and Vagabonds: What’s wrong with King Charles and other very rich people?
I’m pretty sure Rebecca Mead did not intend to spark my pity for Charles Windsor, et al., in her excellent and lightly dishy article, “King Me,” in the May 8 New Yorker. Yet she did. And she did it within … Continue reading
Posted in The Facts of Life, The filthy rich
Tagged Catherine Mayer, Faberge, Fountain Pen Hospital, King Charles, Mont Blanc, New Yorker, Rebecca Mead, Tsar Nicholas II
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Why are likely Jan 6 defendants so nonchalant about going to prison?
I’ve spent some time thinking about this. Among some quick and easy answers: They don’t fully understand what they’re facing, because… They are appallingly ignorant about our history, our laws, our prosecutorial agencies such as the DOJ, and our conventions. … Continue reading
Posted in Fascism, Government, Judiciary, Law, suits and order, Politics, The Facts of Life, Trumpism
Tagged Bolsheviks, Cheka, Jan 6 insurrectionists, Lenin, MAGA, Okhrana, Steve Bannon, Trotsky, Trump, Tsar Nicholas II
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Part 3. The matriarch of all revolutions
You thought we were finished? Oh no. Bannon’s revolution is finished — except for the prison sentences. But in the Russian Revolution, the battiness continued. When I left off excerpting Victor Sebestyen’s narrative of the Russian Revolution in his biography … Continue reading
Posted in Fascism, Guns in the U.S. of A., political campaigns, Politics, Propaganda, Racism, The Facts of Life, Trumpism
Tagged Bolsheviks, Cossacks, January 6 thefts, John Reed, Petrograd, Russian Provisional Government, Russian Red Guards, Sergei Eisenstein, Shock Battalion, Steve Bannon, the Russian Revolution, Tsar Nicholas II
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